Creating Websites & Blogs for Your Family’s History
How to choose a host and platform, protect against hackers, setup media backups, etc.
English Research: 1837 to present
Information about websites, where to look, what to expect from an English census, etc.
Specifically Sweden
She will be focusing on the new research tools available online, including the new indexes and the Swedish National Arkives digitized records that are now free.
Foreign Language & Intermediate Indexing
Indexing in a foreign language can be done by everyone! The church is asking us to branch outside our English comfort zone and help other countries index their records. You’ll be surprised how simple it can be once you have the right tools.
Germany Research
How to begin researching your German or at least German speaking ancestors. Presented by a fluent speaker.
United States & Canada Research
How to begin research in North America, focusing on states and resources for gathering all sorts of information!
Attaching Obituaries (and Other Challenging Sources)
Learn the ins and outs of using source linker to attach all those people listed in an obituary. Change button and effective reason statements will also be covered. All levels.
Brick Walls
A powerpoint presentation giving lots of suggestions of how to work through those brick walls you might find in your research.
Working with Matches on Ancestry DNA
Ancestry has more than 15 million DNA testers- so if you do a DNA test you are bound to find hundreds and more likely thousands of DNA cousins. How or where do you start to figure out who’s who? Ancestry just released some great new tools to help you in grouping, sorting and powerfully working with your matches. These tricks will help even if the match doesn’t have a public tree. If you’ve taken an Ancestry DNA test, you will want to come to this class and see how to use the new tools to help you with your DNA research. A color coding option that helps in identifying your different grandparents lines. And an online DNA calculator to help figure out the relationships probabilities.
Ancestry Tips and Tricks
Did you know Ancestry would sync directly with Family Search? Did you know an Ancestry Tree could help you with research? Did you know Ancestry just released some new exciting tagging options for your tree? If you didn’t, come to this class and learn about these and other tips for getting the most out of P.S. is available to all members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We’ll show you how to sign up for free if you don’t already have an account, and give you a shortcut to getting your tree started there.
Basic Scandinavian Records Online
Are you afraid to search for your Scandinavian Ancestors? Does their strange names system with its Nielsens, Anderssons, and Johansdotters scare you? Does it appear that there might be a lot of errors in your Scandinavian family tree?
Scandinavian research is different from research in other areas, and there are a lot of errors in Scandinavian family trees. But the Scandinavians kept excellent records! Those records are online, and many of them are indexed. This class will give you some basic information that will help you learn to use those records and correct problems in Family Tree.
British Research
So you’ve crossed the pond and found yourself in unfamiliar territory…well Brother White is an expert in the tools and geography of ole Blighty and has come to help you excel in English research. This class is a discussion format where you can ask any questions from a native.